Things are starting to come together so much that I thought it justified my first blog post in almost two months.
(it will get a bit livelier around here in a week or so.)
RPI: We're coming. It will obviously be a work in progress, but it's coming and it is happening on Monday.
The number of people who are excited about the upcoming GXC launch is just incredible. On the insistence of our fans who don't go to an ivy league school, RPI, Rice, BC, WPI, WashU, MIT or Drexel, we're going to be creating an "open game" that anyone can join at some point in the coming month or so.
Thus, the purpose of this post is to ask a simple question: What should the open game be? Anyone will be allowed to join any team, although you can only join a team once (obviously... no switching back and forth).
The game should fit the following characteristics:
1) Almost all people (Americans, at least) have a strong affiliation for one team.
2) Teams will have roughly the same number of people*.
3) Two to ten teams.
*When played by a very tech-friendly audience. "IE vs Firefox vs Other" might actually be a viable game. Plus, we can autodetect the browser.

Examples that might work: Democrats vs Republicans, East Coast vs West Coast, Browser Wars.
Make a suggestion (in the comments, por favor), and if we like it we might just make it a game.