The Tec de Monterrey (ITESM), a Prestigious university in northern Mexico, is the site of our first closed-domain game outside of the U.S., and also the first game to be carried out partially in a non-English language. Unfortunately, our gringo website is as of yet incapable of dealing with their sexy, accented vowels, but we'll make it up to them - we're so excited about this game we decided to throw in 2,000 pesos for the winning team's victory party. (We're not even sure how much money that is - but we're crossing our fingers that we'll still have enough to pay for servers next month).
Over the next weeks we will work to translate some of the materials on our site to accommodate the preferences of our new amigos. If you would like to help out with this effort, or if you want to help GXC expand to your world, let us know!! We're friendly, good-looking, and we even speak Finnish. (Poorly)